Whether you're headed out to the Appalachian Trail for a six month adventure or traveling with your family to the local State park, you need gear that's dependable and built to last. Our rugged gear is made to survive even the toughest treks; it's guaranteed for life.
For 127 years, Duluth Pack has been made in the same building with the same reliable equipment. Their craftsmanship is top of the line. They've been operating in Duluth, Minnesota, supporting our economy and outfitting outdoor enthusiasts with camping packs and outdoor gear since 1882.
Duluth Pack offer a variety of gear for serious trekkers, avid hunters, or relaxed vacationers. Not necessarily the outdoor type? They've got something for everyone, from home decor and cookware to leather handbags and leather briefcases; you'll find a variety of accessories for both travel and everyday life.
We make everything right here in the USA, made American tough and with American pride. But you may ask, why not buy and sell gear made overseas? It's cheaper. True, but put it to the test of quality and you may not get more than a few trips out of it. Their top quality gear gives you true value for your hard earned dollars. Guaranteed for life, isn't that kind of quality worth a few extra bucks?
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