If you are a hiker, fisherman, camper, trekker, scout, or even a student or someone who needs a comfortable and conveinent way to carry some stuff, then zone in and read about the Sparky Bag. The Sparky Bag was created by a company in Duluth, MN. Any traveler that has been to Duluth, MN knows that the great outdoors encompasses trees, lakes, rivers, birds of every color and song, wildlife, hunting, picnics, bon-fires, hiking and trails, fishing, cabins, tents, calling loons and soaring eagles, and memories that are only found by exploring and experiencing nature.
In order to enjoy the outdoors, it is important to have equipment that is dependable, durable, efficient, affordable, and mulit-functional. One item that meets the requirements is the Sparky Bag--found at www.duluthpack.com. What an amazing bag! There are testimonies from customers all over the country, bragging about its usefullness. The Sparky Bag is a back pack. It is an 18 ounce bag (17H x 13W x 5D), cleverly made of durable canvas, with a thick layer of leather on the bottom--protecting the bag from wear and tear. The unique and added features are: padded leather shoulder straps--also durable and designed for comfort, dual zippered side pockets, and a leather grab handle--designed to last. Unlike many conventional back packs, the Sparky Bag opens on top like a small suitcase, which unzipps completely, making it easy to load or unload. This is a definite advantage when in a hurry or late for your next class! There are additional tabs and bungee accessories that allow for carrying additional items on the Sparky Bag. Side pockets allow for further storage space and are large enough to carry a thermos or 32 oz. drinking mug or bottle. The Sparky Bag comes in a selection of different colors.
Not only is the Sparky Bag versatile and durable, making it a "feel-good" purchase, it is made in the USA--Duluth, MN to be exact. As seen on their website at www.duluthpack.com, the manufacturing company of the Sparky Bag started its business in 1911. It has been making products geared for durablity since then. This is a relection that the company is successful and accomplished--the Sparky Bag is a product of that success. Each Sparky Bag is handmade and is backed with a lifetime warranty. The craftmanship shows in each Sparky Bag.
Travelers and outdoorsmen have offered up wonderful comments and praises on the use of the Sparky Bag. The ruggedness of the canvas textile and strong leather will last through all types of climates--high heat, terrential rains, high humidity, and fridgid cold. Safety is a dire concern to many outdoorsmen, and the Sparky Bag is like a miniture housing unit for very important and life-saving items and equipment. You can find your Sparky Bag at www.duluthpack.com.
Leather and canvas backpack