Every camper needs a quality sleeping bag. If you are going to go on a camping trip do not even check out your local discount retail store. They may carry some sleeping bags, but the sleeping bags that you will find there are barely acceptable for children to use for sleepover parties. If you are an avid camper or are going to be camping very often, you need a quality product. Down bags are as warm as you can get, so these should be the first types of bags that you look for. Check the bags to ensure that they have at least a zero to thirty degree rating. This means that they will keep you warm and safe all the way down to temperatures as cold as thirty degrees Fahrenheit. Even if you are not planning on going on a camping trip in which the weather will get this cold, this is a good sleeping bag to have because it is very versatile. If you are going to go on a camping trip in which the weather will be fairly warm you can always unzip the sleeping bag and use it as a blanket to keep you warm instead of a tent. This rectifies the need for a warm weather and cold weather sleeping bag.
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