The outdoorsman needs quality clothes and hats to keep them warm on a cold day. Stormy Kromer sells a line exceptionally warm clothes and hats to keep you warm during the bone-chilling winter months. Stormy Kromer was a semi-pro baseball player and railroad engineer. One morning back in 1903, Stormy asked his wife, Ida, to sew ear flaps on one of this baseball caps to keep him warm. This is how the Stormy Kromer brand all began.
Stormy Kromer makes many different warm outdoor wares. One of those products is the Stormy Kromer hat. One of those hats is called the Original Stormy Kromer Cap and is made from six panels of pre-shrunk, recycled wool. Another hat is called the Rancher Cap and this one is heavy duty cap. Then there is the Waxed Cotton Cap, this cap will protect you even if it’s raining out. Flexible Fit Original cap is another Stormy Kromer hat and is made from six panels of indestructible pre-shrunk wool. For the child outdoorsman there is the LiL’ Kromer Cap, this cap is made with the same craftsmanship as the adult hats. The Flexible Fit Ida Kromer is made for the outdoorswoman. This is a feminine cap with all the same comfort and warmth of the other Stormy Kromer hats. There are some many hats in the stormy Kromer line I can’t name them all.
Stormy Kromer also makes outerwear. One product would be the Stormy Kromer Button Vest. The Button vest is made from 100% virgin wool and will keep any outdoorsman warm. The Stormy Kromer Mackinaw coat is very warm and also made from 100% virgin wool. This coat is made very high in quality and will last a very long time. The Bunkhouse Trousers are made of 80% wool and 20% nylon and come with an adjustable waist. These are heavy duty pants and will last a long time. The Short Jacket is another way to keep warm on those chilly winter days. This jacket is made from 80% wool and 20% nylon.
Shirts are another product that Stormy Kromer makes. One of those shirts is called the Fishin Shirt. This shirt is made from 100% cotton and is imported. Another shirt by Stormy Kromer is the Flannel shirt. This shirt is sure to keep any outdoorsman warm. This flannel shirt is made from 100% brushed cotton and will keep you warm on your camping trip.
Stormy Kromer also make hand wear. One of the gloves that Stormy Kromer makes is called the Deerskin Chopper Mitt. These gloves are made from 100% deerskin and have an acrylic lining. They will keep you warm while performing rugged outdoor activity.
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