There is nothing like getting away from your nine to five job and heading out to the mountains and rivers to find that tranquil place that gives you peace. Hiking or camping in the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park or any where else that tickles your fancy is what makes a great day. If you like the outdoors like so many do, there isn’t anything else quite like your weekend getaway or the camping trip you’ve planned all year long.
Having the right travel and camping gear really makes or breaks the trip. Outdoor gear has really improved over the years in quality, weight and size factors making your trip that much more enjoyable. Hikers can carry well designed light weight packs, cooking kitchens and compression dry sacks made just for the outdoorsman. Finally you can really enjoy your hike and the beauty around you without feeling worn out and exhausted from packing too much weight up every trail or campsite.
Wouldn’t you trust someone who has walked a mile in your shoes? Well Tim Macartney-Snape didn’t exactly walk a mile in your shoes, as a matter a fact he went just a bit further. You see he is a summiteer that tackled Mount Everest and lived to tell about it. How’s that for a trek? Tim is well aware of what it’s like to hike with gear and has collaborated with his sewing enthusiast partner (Roland Tyson) to design innovative, ingenious outdoor gear. If you’re going to purchase outdoor gear, wouldn’t you rather buy from someone who really knows what hiking and camping is all about? If you’re looking for great products designed by Tim then stop in at the Sea To Summit and check out some fantastic equipment.
Many of the creative ideas that have been designed for hikers such as rugged backpacks, kitchen ware, bags, tarps and accessories also prove to be invaluable for campers too. Hikers want equipment well designed, light weight and functional and the same qualities are just as appealing to campers. If you have ever set up a tent and all your paraphernalia you know what a back breaking job that can be. Lighten up the load with properly designed gear and everybody will have a great time!
Make your trip especially nice with gear that’s designed to work in the outdoors, keep you comfortable and dry. You can get some great sacks like the Big River Dry Sack and eVent® Compression Dry Sacks at Sea To Summit. At the top of everyone’s list is staying dry and it’s a snap with a Nylon Tarp Poncho or a Siliconized Cordura® Tarp-Poncho.
One of the most useful things that you can bring along on your trip is a portable camp sink. This multi-use sink is good for purifying water, bathing, cleaning up the dishes and cooking. Retailers for Sea To Summit products can easily be found by selecting your State at http://www.seatosummit.com/finder.php. Whether you’re off to the wilderness for a weeks stay or an overnight hike, you can’t go wrong with Sea To Summit gear.
Sea to Summit Stuff Sack
do you have a family camping tent? we are a family of 6, with 4 kids. I would like to buy tents that can occupy 6 people and a few things :)